

On some auto-induced regime switching double threshold glued diffusions

TitleOn some auto-induced regime switching double threshold glued diffusions
Publication TypeUnpublished
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsEsquível ML, Mota PP
Series TitlePreprint
AbstractRegime switching processes are usually defined with an external random source driving the regime changes. In this paper we define and study a regime switching diffusion considering two thresholds, and regime switching occurring, by a change in the diffusion drift and volatility, whenever the trajectory touches the upper threshold after having crossed, or touched, the lower threshold or touches the lower threshold after having crossed, or touched, the upper threshold. We develop an estimation procedure for the thresholds and for the regime parameters of the diffusions. We show that a generalized Black-Scholes model with the regime switching diffusion as the law of the risky asset is arbitrage free and complete under an additional hypothesis on the diffusion coefficients of the two regimes diffusions.