



[NOVA Math] Statistics and Risk Management & Operations Research Seminar


The Center of Mathematics and Applications (NOVA Math), promote the Seminar of Statistics and Risk Management & Operations Research with the title: “Developing Optimization models in urban transportation fleet”. Parisa Ahani (NOVA Math) is the speaker.


Abstract: Recently, the use of more sustainable forms of transportation such as electric vehicles (EVs) for delivering goods and parcels to customers in urban areas has received more attention from urban planners and private stakeholders. The urban freight transportation sector is examining such a shift toward using electric vehicles, besides current combustion engine vehicles, to deliver goods and services to customers. To contribute toward sustainable transportation in urban logistics, we consider the important factor of decision replacement management and study how to shift toward sustainable modes of transportation, specifically EVs, in an urban area. We will present various optimization frameworks for different vehicle replacement decision problems that can be used by the operators (private and public stakeholders) for a combination of various types of vehicles in their fleet in order to achieve an optimal fleet structure.


Wednesday, 22 May 2024, from 14:00 to 15:00, Seminar Room, building VII.