



[NOVA Math] Operations Research Seminar


The Center of Mathematics and Applications (NOVA Math), promote the Seminar of Operations Research with the title: “Considerations of Sustainability in Transportation - A Case for Multi-objective Optimisation”. Judith Wang (School of Civil Engineering and Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds) is the speaker.


Abstract:  Traditionally, optimisation models used in transportation planning consider the optimisation of economic objectives such as minimising travel distance, travel time and monetary cost or maximising the more abstract concept of "utility". However, transportation is not a purely economic activity. It affects people and the environment in many ways, e.g., through fuel consumption and pollution. Hence decision makers at all levels - from a worker choosing a route for his commute to work to a national government aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions - are increasingly interested to pursue aims that fall under the wide umbrella of sustainability when making transport decisions. In this talk, we present four examples that illustrate how multi-objective optimisation can be a valuable tool to support decision making for sustainable transport.


Tuesday, 9 July 2024, 14:00 to 15:30.