



[NOVA Math] Seminar of Analysis


The Center of Mathematics and Applications (NOVA Math), promote the Seminar of Analysis with the title: “Fredholm theory of discrete Wiener-Hopf operators on Orlicz sequence spaces”.  Sandra Thampi (NOVA FCT, NOVA Math) is the speaker.


Abstract: We extend the Fredholm criteria for discrete Wiener-Hopf operators with continuous symbols on the Lebesgue sequence spaces to the setting of reflexive Orlicz sequence spaces. We combine these results with some Banach algebra techniques to obtain a Fredholm criteria for any operator in the closed subalgebra generated by the discrete Wiener-Hopf operators with continuous symbols. Additionally, we study the Fredholm theory of discrete Wiener-Hopf operators with symbols from Douglas-type algebra and study the algebra generated by them. Finally, we present a local principle for assessing the Fredholmness of discrete Wiener-Hopf operators.


Thursday, 4 July 2024, from 10h00 to 10h50.


Zoom Link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/92219333954?pwd=BrsfbKDEVGddzLiWbdEpoEex4NSawC.1