

Largest 2-generated subsemigroups of the symmetric inverse semigroup

TítuloLargest 2-generated subsemigroups of the symmetric inverse semigroup
Publication TypeUnpublished
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsAndré JM, Fernandes VH, Mitchell JD
Series TitlePreprint
AbstractThe symmetric inverse monoid In is the set of all partial permutations of an n-element set. The largest possible size of a 2-generated subsemigroup of In is determined. Examples of semigroups with these sizes are given. Consequently, if M(n) denotes this maximum, it is shown that M(n)/|In| → 1 as n → ∞. Furthermore, we may deduce, the already known fact, that In embeds as a local submonoid of an inverse 2-generated subsemigroup of In+1.