

The maximal subsemigroups of semigroups of transformations preserving or reversing the orientation on a finite chain

TítuloThe maximal subsemigroups of semigroups of transformations preserving or reversing the orientation on a finite chain
Publication TypeUnpublished
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsDimitrova I, Fernandes VH, Koppitz J
Series TitlePreprint
Palavras-chavefinite transformation semigroup, maximal subsemigroups, orientation-preserving and orientation-reversing transformations
AbstractThe study of the semigroups OPn and ORn respectively of all orientation-preserving transformations and of all orientation-preserving or orientation-reversing transformations on an n-element chain has begun in [10] and [4]. In order to bring more insight into the subsemigroup structure of OPn and ORn, we characterize their maximal subsemigroups.