

Exact and near-exact distributions of positive linear combinations of independent Gumbel random variables

TítuloExact and near-exact distributions of positive linear combinations of independent Gumbel random variables
Publication TypeUnpublished
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsMarques FJ, Coelho CA, de Carvalho M
Series TitlePreprint
Palavras-chaveGeneralized Integer Gamma distribution, Generalized Near-Integer Gamma distribution, Gumbel distribution, near-exact distributions
AbstractWe show that the exact distribution of a positive linear combination of independent Gumbel random variables can be written as the sum of a linear combination of independent log Gamma distributions, and an independent shifted Generalized Integer Gamma distribution. Given the complexity of this exact distribution, we develop a near-exact distribution using a shifted Generalized Near-Integer Gamma distribution. Our numerical studies confirm the quality of this near-exact approximation as assessed by a proximity measure often used in related studies.