

[NOVA Math] Statistics and Risk Management Seminar


The Center of Mathematics and Applications (NOVA Math), promote the Seminar of Statistics and Risk Management with the title: “Using R Shiny for teaching statistical methods". Alexandra Daub, Lars Knieper & Sophie Potts (Georg-August-University, Goettingen, Germany) are the speakers.


Abstract: It is challenging to introduce statistical concepts to a heterogeneous student population with diverse backgrounds. Visualizations are often used in lectures and associated exercises. As these are usually done on lecture slides or (digital) notes, they remain static. In addition, the immediate programming of statistical concepts is a hindrance for students, as usually a basic understanding of the methodology is needed in advance.

In order to provide interactive visualizations combined with explanations and further give the opportunity to adjust parameters of statistical methods, webapps for teaching purposes are developed. Therefore, the R-Shiny framework is employed. It enables users to program interactive web apps directly with R while still being flexible enough to incorporate HTML, Javascript and CSS. It offers the potential to teach statistical concepts visually and interactively. Further, students are able to get a low-barrier intuition of statistical concepts before programming and applying these themselves.


Zoom:  https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/88333359956


 19th March 2025, 14:00 (online)

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